2019 Updates For Your Practice

by CAO Marketing December 26, 2018

Plain Dentist Office

What is going to happen to your practice in 2019? Each new year brings some updates which will directly affect your practice. While some are standard changes expected other years, other are projections for how you can stay on top of your practice’s success.


The American Dental Association released a change to the Current Dental Terminology taking effect on the first of January, 2019. Fifteen codes were added and four codes were deleted in the hopes to make the CDT more effective for insurers. The BRS Dental Software, the deleted codes include:

D1515 space maintainer – fixed – bilateral
D1525 space maintainer – removable – bilateral
D5281 removable unilateral partial denture – one-piece cast metal (including clasps and teeth)
D9940 occlusal guard, by report

Visit the site to review the 15 new codes for the CDT or here to read the highlights and influences the changes will have.


The CMO of Biolase, Samuel Low, DDS, interviewed with Becker’s Hospital Review and explained the trends he sees moving into 2019. He covered the technology advancements that have been helping dentistry are becoming more digital, which includes the rising prevalence of diode lasers. Surprised? Probably not. He reiterated the well-known benefits such as lessening patient anxiety, limiting the need for local, and faster recovery times. While there may be some bias (fully recognizing our own bias), it’s easy to see that laser dentistry isn’t going away anytime soon. In 2019, we’re honestly going to be seeing more laser units in practices not only for dentists but with AMD’s GNYDM release, for hygienists as well.


Part of your new year’s resolutions should be that during 2019, all your marketing decisions will be based on strategy. Now more than ever it’s important to create plans, goals, and a direction for marketing. Shooting from the hip and going with the flow is only going to help you fall farther and farther behind in the marketing grace. The Content Marketing Institutes states that 65 percent of the most successful content marketers document a strategy before executing. While there will be an overall strategy for all marketing, it’s important to also nail down the specifics and even going into details perf each social platform. Yes, it’s a lot of work, but all effective marketing is time, money, or both. Strategic marketing gives you direction to help make marketing easier overall. Once you know your purpose and your goals, the message overall becomes easier to communicate which in turn makes it easier to understand by your consumer.

Comment below with your thoughts on what dentists need to keep in mind for 2019.

  • Dec 28, 2018
  • Category: Blog
  • Comments: 0
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